Some first time callers wonder what they can expect when using a phone sex service for the first time. They might be worried or unsure and not even be able to relax enough to be able to enjoy themselves. Don't worry, we are here to help & make sure you have a much more exciting masturbation experience than you would alone. It's always a lot more fun to share your orgasm with someone than go it alone. No one will know you called or had an adult phone chat unless you tell them, so there's no need to worry about your friends or anyone judging you, they themselves might even be callers! Who knows?
You choose the lady you'd like to speak with; you're connected through our dirty talking lines and begin your private, intimate, arousing conversation. We love to hear all about your naughty thoughts and secret fantasies you haven't shared with anyone. We hear lots of amazing things on the line, don't worry, you cannot shock us. Some callers like to find one special girl they always try and connect with, some others prefer to play the field depending on their mood and enjoy a variety of girls. Some men have revealed they talk about one type of fantasy to one girl, and for a totally different fantasy, they call another. There's no end to how you can enjoy our services.
The wonderful thing about using an adult live phone chat service with several girls being always available is that you can be rest assured when the naughty mood strikes you; there will always be someone available to help you out and talk you through your orgasm. Some men are on the quiet side and don't like to do a great deal of talking themselves, they just like to relax and allow the lady to verbally entertain them, and that is just fine, we are here to entertain you, with as much or as little talking as you enjoy. Other men have elaborate fantasies and like to relate them and just have us listen as they explain what really gets them worked up into a sexual frenzy.
A little bit of non sexual chit chat is how some men like to begin a call, they enjoy getting to know the girl they are speaking to a little bit before getting right to the action. Each caller and girl is different, how they like to do their calls is different, some are more passive, some are more take charge. Once you find someone that works for you, or several someone's as the case may be, it can be very comforting to just relax and let your fingers do the walking as they do the talking.
Phone sex is a wonderful way to have a special and more memorable masturbation experience. Masturbating alone might physically feel the same, but there's no emotional engagement with another person. Even watching porn, that's not an interactive experience. Talking to someone as you are touching themselves and having them give you that verbal back and forth discussing your fantasies, or what you'd like to do to each other if you were in the same room, that makes for a much more memorable time, and one you will want to repeat over and over. Once you start to really get into sharing your orgasm with another person on the phone, you will quickly come to realize that alone just doesn't cut it anymore.